Thursday, December 16, 2010

Five Years

Hello to all who knew Dennis Ousey. Today is the fifth anniversary of the day he died. We still mourn our loss. He was a good man and many are missing him.

This morning I honoured him by listening to a podcast of a debate on the question: Islam is a religion of peace. I know he would have been very interested in that. I am just sorry that he is not here so we can talk about it and express our own thoughts on the question. If you want to listen, here is a link. But be warned it is lengthy, about an hour and a half. I cannot paste a hyperlink to this website, so here it is:

This afternoon Joel and Remy and I are going to the cemetery and we may go for a trip up Grouse Mountain, a trip he enjoyed in the past. I hope to post pictures either here or on Facebook.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal ~ from an Irish headstone.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another Anniversary

I went to Mountainview Cemetary yesterday. I cleaned the moss off the stone front and left a rose on the little shelf under his niche.

Then I sat in the spring sunshine by the fountain and re-read my journal and wrote a little. It was 1534 days since he died.

Today is the anniversary of our wedding. Forty-three years ago the first time we married in 1967, or, if you prefer, 23 years since the second time we wed in 1987. We loved each other so much we got married twice. But I have loved him for almost 45 years.

One thing that happened recently - Suzie, our beagle, who was given to a friend's family had to be put down because she had cancer. It was the loss of another link with him. And I am sorry for little Dominique who lost her much loved pet.

I continue to take care of my graddaughter four days a week. She is eighteen months old now and it is delightful to see what new word or behaviour she comes up with. My daughter said recently, "I think I will always, for the rest of my life, regret that Dad never saw my daughter." Yes, my joy is also always tempered with that knowledge.

I am tired, my Beloved, of chafing my heart against the want of you... Amy Lowell