Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tasty Fruit, Halibut, Nursing a Drink

Well, today I want to talk about food. The first thing I noticed about the fruit I buy in the stores here is: It tastes really good! I guess they don't have to pick it while it's still green for shipping to the middle of the continent (Winnipeg, in case you've forgotten). I can't count the number of times I bought fruit in Winnipeg, dragged it home with my mouth watering, bitten into it and it's as hard as a piece of wood and about as tasty. Also, so much of the produce here comes from hot houses, so they have tasty food ALL YEAR ROUND!

I haven't been able to weigh myself since I arrived because my stuff is still in transit from Winnipeg, but I think I must have gained weight. Between the good-tasting fruit and the eating in restaurants, I seem to be always eating. I have been to a couple of really great restaurants.

The Raincity Grill, of course, (where my daughter manages). But also The Boat House on Beach and Fish House in Stanley Park and I bought the new cookbook by the chef at the Fish House called: Halibut. Guess what it's about. You might think a cookbook about just one type of fish would be boring. You'd be wrong! It includes many recipes from different Vancouver chefs. I tried one of the easy ones - Baked Halibut with Lemon Basil Vinaigrette. Yummy. There are a few that call for ingredients I've never heard of, much less cooked with. It'll be a cold day in Hades when I try some of them. For instance, Steamed Halibut Custard, which calls for frozen banana leaves and kaffir leaves! What in the name of all that is sacred to Julia Child are kaffir leaves! Anyway, I look forward to many new adventures in eating. It's halibut season!

Speaking of food, the other day I was in a bar having a glass of red wine (doctor's orders) and doing Sudoku while sipping my wine. At the next table there was a young mother, a young man and what looked like a couple-weeks-old baby. They had cocktails and ordered dinner with a glass of wine each. The baby began to cry quite vociferously and mommy breast-fed her. Gives new meaning to the phrase, "nursing a drink in a bar." I think it's illegal for minors to be drinking in bars, isn't it? Of course, you never know. Here in la la land anything goes.

One more thing about food before I leave the topic. I want all you Winnipeggers to know Vancouverites have been keeping a secret from you - the best veggie burgers in the world are to be found at Milestones restaurants. They taste just like grilled beef. Without all that grease. I think they are actually good for me! Today I had lunch in my favourite restaurant with friends B. and L., Milestones. I could not convince my long-suffering daughter that my friends had chosen the restaurant. She announced to all and sundry that they were, "...enabling my mother's addiction, don't you know."

Of course, there are no Milestones restaurants in Manitoba. Just another reason why all my friends have to come and visit me. Today was the second sunny day in a row. Poo poo to all ye naysayers that call it the "Wet Coast." But that's another post.

Tata for now. I just received word my stuff is here and will be delivered tomorrow. Halleluia!

Weather forecast for tonight: dark. With continued dark till morning. ~George Carlin