Update on Canadian Outback's Amazing Race. I googled it and it's a team-building seminar offered to businesses here in Vancouver. That's why I've seen so many of them during the day on buses around the city. I wonder if the Amazing Race people know about this use of the name. I won't be snitching - and don't you, either.
On Thursday my wonderful daughter and her amazing husband took myself and his parents out for dinner. We had a great time at Milestone's and then we went for a walk on the beach. (See pictures) Then everybody came back to my apartment (all 450 square feet of it) for dessert, coffee, tea and drinks. I made her favourite dessert, Sunburst Lemon Bars. Like a mini-lemon pie, only healthier. The Baloros and I made a tentative date for karaoke. Apparently they have a machine! Woo-hoo! My long-suffering daughter will be embarrassed. We just won't invite her. Anyway, I think good time was had by all.
I bought myself a set of good knives. They are fully forged Henckels. In case you wonder, that means the tang (the metal inside the handle) and the blade are all one piece. The things you can pick up by googling! (What did we do before google?) It also came with a sharpening tool. Now, if somebody can show me how to use it..... So now I am all set, just in time for hosting a dinner for my sister and her fiance. The menu: roast pork with chili and orange sauce, wild and white rice, green beans and carrots, and Sunburst Lemon Bars.
Bye for now. Love to all family and friends. Missing my friends in Winnipeg. P.S. Thanks Danielle for the suggestion.
If life gives us rocks, it's our choice whether to build a bridge or a wall. - Unknown