Monday, July 2, 2007

Canada Day, Usual Suspects, Weeping and Laughing

Let the bells ring out and the banners fly. Canada is 140 years old. I hope you all had a happy Canada Day, relaxing and spending time with your loved ones. I went down to Canada Place at the harbour here in Vancouver. There were lots of people there, mostly families, watching an "Idol" contest but it felt lonely so I came home and by the time they set off fireworks I was in my apartment baking biscotti. My son-in-law loves biscotti, so I put some in the freezer for him.

As I write, the usual suspects are out in the streets carousing. I have to keep the window open because it's too warm, and with an extra day off this weekend the young and the restless aren't letting it go to waste. The shouting and foul language floats up to my window and is punctuated by cars roaring by, sometimes with the reverberating boom of a car stereo. I hear the occasional police car siren as Vancouver's finest make the streets safe from crime.

Although I have been fairly busy this week, spending time with my sister, going shopping with my daughter and setting up my new TV, I haven't posted anything to my blog lately because I've been a little depressed. I'm thinking my readers have come to expect some amusing tale or other, but I just haven't found much funny this week. Into each life a little rain must fall...

Take care and TATA.....and PEACE

Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either. ~Golda Meir