Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Drug Test, Something Fishy, Radar Trap

I am now an employee of London Drugs. I just spent two days in training. I go back on Friday to write the exam. I guess one could call it a "drug test." Oooooohmigosh....how long has it been since I last wrote an exam. Too far back to remember. But this is one drug test for which one can study! Got three days to study up a storm. I wonder if the instructors take bribes...

Saturday I start my first shift at the London Drugs a block from my apartment. How great is that! I can walk to work and be there in two minutes. Woo hoo!

My darling daughter and her spectacular spouse are on holidays in the Philipines. They are lounging on beaches and snorkeling in the ocean. I am missing them. It will be nice when they are home.

While they are gone they have left me in charge of the aquariums. Son-in-law J. showed me how to feed the fish in each tank. He has one salty aquarium with a clownfish in it. Remember Finding Nemo? Well, it looks exactly like Nemo. In the same tank are two fish that are bright yellow and saturated purple. They are gorgeous. It's fun to watch the little crab with a conch-shaped shell in that tank too. The most interesting tank is the one with the discus fish. When I arrive at the apartment I talk to the fish and when I go around the corner to look at the discus they are all congregating near the door watching for me with their mouths opening and closing. They have such big eyes and are so curious. I think they are more interested in watching me than they are in eating. The other fish dash for the food when I put it in, but the discus watch me watching them. And then, slowly they amble over for the food. I think they must be quite intelligent for fish - the Einsteins of the fish world perhaps.

I have also been in charge of the daughter and son-in-law's car and I've taken full advantage of it, driving it to work. I have noticed police with radar guns on Granville twice, but always been driving within the speed limit. Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya...you didn't catch me! I wonder if they take bribes? I have noticed one thing about Vancouver car culture - amber means: go very fast, and red means: two more cars can go. Hey, just like Winnipeg!

Friends in Winnipeg, A and J have a new granddaughter! Congrats to all. Welcome to Jin Mei. I had a lovely time at my sister D.'s on Sunday. Roast beef dinner, Canada-opoly and Wizard (card game). Dinner and entertainment. Great stuff. Happy Hallowe'en everyone!

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics. ~Leighann Lord

Friday, October 26, 2007

Old Job, New Job, Georgia O'Keeffe's Message

I have given my notice at the kiosk. I am still awaiting word from London Drugs; they are waiting for the results of the background check. I'm sure they won't find anything too awful in that. I have a good credit rating and was never convicted of anything more serious than a traffic violation. They said they would be contacting my references, too. The references I gave were ones I was sure would be positive.

I took the computer aptitude test for London Drugs. Very interesting. It consisted of a Math section, a Verbal Skills section and a personality profile. The Math one was grueling. Math was never my best subject. I didn't finish the test in the time allotted either. Here's me, the perfectionist spending too much time on each question. But I passed it. The Verbal one was a breeze - well, one would hope I would find it easy. A teacher and a writer, if I don't have good communication skills...I finished that one with time to spare. And scored well.

The Social Skills section was interesting. They showed statements like: I am easily angered. I am a successful human being. People talk about me behind my back. The choices for answers are: always true, mostly true, sometimes true and sometimes false, mostly false and always false. It was pretty much what I expected, but what's up with this one? My friends have been successful in business. What does one's answer to this question have to do with one's social skills? I guess it gives a clue to how one perceives other people.

Some of the questions were a little hard to answer, like, I am easily depressed. Not really fair to a person still grieving for a major loss, but I just tried to answer that one in general. I am a pretty optimistic person and seldom get depressed if you don't count grieving.

One of the hardest things I have noticed lately, probably because I am back in the working world, is that I no longer have that one person I can count on to be there when I need a pat on the back or need to bitch about life. He was always so supportive and often provided me with a strong anchor to reality which kept me going in spite of life's little bumps. Such a loss.

I went to see the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit at the Art Gallery last weekend with friends L and B. I noticed that Georgia survived her husband by forty years, forty very productive years. I realized there is a message there for me to take to heart. I'm trying very hard to make my life productive. Isn't it what everyone wants? To make a difference.

The exhibit was fabulous. I could go again. It is so great to be able to share it with intelligent friends and talk about the experience with them. I have heard that people see sexual metaphors in her work. Giant vulva and such. She didn't agree with that interpretation. She said she used her perceptions of nature to paint. One can find great beauty in her work without relating everything to sex. I guess naughty bits are in the eye of the beholder. I did find her work quite sensual. Her style is very feminine, with the colours and curves. She is famous for her flowers, but I also enjoyed her landscapes and later, more abstract works.

Okay, people, get blogging out there. I'm doing my share. Keep well.

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for. ~Georgia O'Keeffe

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Aligning the Calendars and What The Boss Doesn't Believe In

I realize it's been a while since I posted a blog entry. I have been busy with the new job. I have discovered that I am incapable of being on my feet for 10 hours without a break! Who knew! I requested shorter shifts. 4 or 5 hours and I feel the strain. And I'm in good shape for a sixty-year-old. Then I have an hour-long bus ride to get home. What a nice end to the working day! Why is it that when a person gets on the bus reeking of garlic, they always sit next to me! This often happens early in the morning. In what culture do they eat garlic for breakfast?

I often work in the morning. It is actually quite boring. There are very few customers at malls in the morning. The only excitement is the little old Chinese men who come to the kiosk an hour before it opens to ask questions while I'm trying to get set up for the day. Or the little old ladies who talk and talk and tell me their life stories. And they never buy anything. I think they are just lonely and need to come to the mall to socialize. It's kind of sad, really.

My boss has a pet peeve, a messy kiosk. If the calendars are not lined up exactly, you are not doing your job. So I spend most of my time roaming the stand, looking for that calendar that's 5 degrees out of alignment. I think I will bring a measuring tape and a level to work. it's the only way to satisfy her. Actually she has a lot of pet peeves and they seem to change daily. I am glad I changed my mind about wanting to manage, although the way things are now, we all seem to be managers. At not much more than minimum wage.

We are expected to be at work 15 minutes before our shifts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if she's not paying us, that's illegal. We don't get breaks. We can snatch a couple of minutes to get a lunch to eat at our kiosk or take a bathroom break if we can con a security guard to babysit the kiosk. And the boss doesn't believe in chairs or stools at the kiosk.

The boss also doesn't believe in getting sick. If we are ever sick, I have been told, we have to get our own replacement! Isn't that supposed to be the manager's job? She didn't have time to set up the schedule of working hours so she told two other women working there to set it up themselves. They scheduled me in for a twelve hour shift! And when I reminded her that I had asked for shorter shifts she told me to talk to the others and settle it! Isn't scheduling the manager's job also. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. We have no manager. The manager that was working there got sick with strep throat and, "she is no longer with us." I guess the boss doesn't believe in strep throat either. That was the day I decided I didn't want to be a manager there.

Seems the boss doesn't believe in communicating with the staff either. I had to pick up my paycheque yesterday on my day off after it had been sitting under the kiosk cash register for three days. And there was no stub to show how much tax or other deductions was taken off. So I can't even tell if she paid me for the right number of hours. Maybe she doesn't believe in paying taxes!

So, things are pretty disorganized and I'm looking for a job closer to home. I have applied to London Drugs, a block away from my apartment building. They have an opening for a sales associate in the cosmetics dept. I have experience. In the late sixties and early seventies I worked in the cosmetics dept. at Eaton's. I am hopeful that I can get in there. It would be a couple of minutes walk away and I have heard from other employees that London Drugs treats their employees like human beings. What a concept!

Gotta go get ready for work. Meanwhile I'll dream of the perfect job. Or at least a satisfactory job. Bye for now.

Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says "Go!" - a leader says "Let's go!" ~E.M. Kelly

Friday, October 5, 2007

New Job, Calendars, Jewellery, Thanksgiving

I have a new job! I will be working at a Calendar Club kiosk in Oakridge Shopping Centre. My boss, Cheryl, hired me on the spot. She said I was "classy" and "awesome." I have to agree with that. Never argue with your boss.

She is opening a kiosk tomorrow. I will be helping her set it up tomorrow and working there for a few days while she gets a store up and running at the same mall. She is considering putting me in management there. It's going to be fun. Exhausting, but fun.

It takes me about 40 minutes to get there on the bus. The Oakridge Shopping Centre is a high-end mall. There will be high sales volume there, based on Cheryl's past experience, and if I manage the store, there will be bonuses also.

I will be working a lot of hours for the first two weeks to get everything up and running, but, after that I can decide how much I want to work. It's just so exciting. My sister is going to apply for a job with Cheryl also and that would be just about perfect, if we could work together.

The mall is great. I've been there twice already and the people working there, like security and maintenance are so nice. There is a store there, Monte Cristo Jewellery, where the door is locked and you have to buzz to get in. I'm assuming most customers have appointments. They probably don't let anybody else in unless they look like real money. La-di-dah. Look out Prairie Crocus, you'll be mixing with the rich and pretentious!

I had a stroll through the Birk's Store and tried on a couple of rings. Sapphire and diamonds. The least expensive one was $2000. Not that I'll be able to afford anything like that. But I can dream, can't I? Even a cat may look at a queen.

Happy Thanksgiving to all friends and relatives. Take care.

In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later. ~Harold Geneen