I have given my notice at the kiosk. I am still awaiting word from London Drugs; they are waiting for the results of the background check. I'm sure they won't find anything too awful in that. I have a good credit rating and was never convicted of anything more serious than a traffic violation. They said they would be contacting my references, too. The references I gave were ones I was sure would be positive.
I took the computer aptitude test for London Drugs. Very interesting. It consisted of a Math section, a Verbal Skills section and a personality profile. The Math one was grueling. Math was never my best subject. I didn't finish the test in the time allotted either. Here's me, the perfectionist spending too much time on each question. But I passed it. The Verbal one was a breeze - well, one would hope I would find it easy. A teacher and a writer, if I don't have good communication skills...I finished that one with time to spare. And scored well.
The Social Skills section was interesting. They showed statements like: I am easily angered. I am a successful human being. People talk about me behind my back. The choices for answers are: always true, mostly true, sometimes true and sometimes false, mostly false and always false. It was pretty much what I expected, but what's up with this one? My friends have been successful in business. What does one's answer to this question have to do with one's social skills? I guess it gives a clue to how one perceives other people.
Some of the questions were a little hard to answer, like, I am easily depressed. Not really fair to a person still grieving for a major loss, but I just tried to answer that one in general. I am a pretty optimistic person and seldom get depressed if you don't count grieving.
One of the hardest things I have noticed lately, probably because I am back in the working world, is that I no longer have that one person I can count on to be there when I need a pat on the back or need to bitch about life. He was always so supportive and often provided me with a strong anchor to reality which kept me going in spite of life's little bumps. Such a loss.
I went to see the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit at the Art Gallery last weekend with friends L and B. I noticed that Georgia survived her husband by forty years, forty very productive years. I realized there is a message there for me to take to heart. I'm trying very hard to make my life productive. Isn't it what everyone wants? To make a difference.
The exhibit was fabulous. I could go again. It is so great to be able to share it with intelligent friends and talk about the experience with them. I have heard that people see sexual metaphors in her work. Giant vulva and such. She didn't agree with that interpretation. She said she used her perceptions of nature to paint. One can find great beauty in her work without relating everything to sex. I guess naughty bits are in the eye of the beholder. I did find her work quite sensual. Her style is very feminine, with the colours and curves. She is famous for her flowers, but I also enjoyed her landscapes and later, more abstract works.
Okay, people, get blogging out there. I'm doing my share. Keep well.
I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for. ~Georgia O'Keeffe