Thursday, February 7, 2008

G Day Minus 185, Practicum, Hypocrisy

It's G Day minus 185. Mother and child are doing fine. My grandchild's mother and I went shopping Monday evening on her day off. Then we went for a bite to eat. It's wonderful to be living here in Vancouver where I can spend time with her.

I continue with my studies. I just spent two days at my Practicum teaching students English. My partner and I are team teaching. We plan together and then we are a tag team in the classroom. We work well together. The students seem to be enjoying themselves - sort of.

In unrelated news I had a painful experience the other day at LD. We get a lot of interesting customers. This one was quite colourful. She looked about 70 and had bright red hair and foundation so thickly applied on her face I couldn't have scraped it off with a trowel. Well, I thought, at least she is trying to make herself attractive. She came in to get some eyeliner and after helping her with that I began to talk to her about skin care products. All of a sudden this paragon of unspoiled beauty began to spout off. "Oh, I don't believe in that wrinkle-removing stuff...I believe in being yourself(!!!!!!Have you looked in the mirror lately?)...I got rid of my old husband...(Why do some customers think I need to know private stuff like this?)...I'm sixty-two and my boyfriend is twenty-eight...(I don't want to know any more...Stop, please stop I don't want that picture in my head)...He doesn't want me to get a face lift or get rid of my wrinkles...Blah dee blah blah." I smiled and nodded until she went away. Then I reached for the Tylenol. All that smiling gave me a face-ache.

Then there was a man a few days ago who went to great pains to tell me he really hates it when people take a noun and create their own verb from it. Not five minutes later I heard him do exactly that. Don't these opinionated people listen to themselves? If you are that passionate about an idea, shouldn't your behaviour coincide with your belief? Can you spell hypocrite?

Well, I need to get some sleep. Class all day tomorrow.

Take care and keep on blogging.

He does not believe who does not live according to his belief. ~Thomas Fuller