Thursday, March 27, 2008

Strange Pawsh, Evelyn Strange, Strange Weather

Store seen in Yaletown, a yuppyish community in downtown Vancouver: Pawsh, Spa for Cats and Dogs. Well, lah di dah. Some people sure spend a lot of money on their pets. Some people think their pets are humans. Strange. Some pets are soooo pampered, n'est-ce pas?

I've been pretty busy the last ten days. I've been working at LD of course. And I subbed three days at the Immigrant Social Services school in an ESL class. It was fun. It was really easy this time because the regular teacher left me lots of activities for the class to do. One class was doing a unit on the theme of Money (who doesn't like that) and the other class a unit on Crime and The Justice System. And, since it was so close to Easter, I hid some chocolate "eggs" around the classroom and told them the Easter bunny had been there. We had an Easter egg hunt. Many of them thanked me for teaching them and one young woman even hugged me and said she hoped I would come back. Well, who wouldn't after a response like that?

So now I am available to sub Mondays to Thursdays and available to work at London Drugs Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And in between I make jewellery!

I am also taking some classes in jewellery-making. I am learning a better way to do crimping and wrapping beads and stones. Some of the designs tips have been helpful too. Ange, the instructor teaches at a local college also and seems to be quite knowledgeable. I've seen some of her work and it is fabulous.

It's only 136 days until G-day. I dug out the quilt that Nana sewed and embroidered with nursery rhyme characters for M when she was a baby. I placed it in the bassinette waiting for the arrival of our little treasure. The mother and father of my unborn grandchild have bought themselves a new car. It's a Jeep Liberty, dark blue, one year old and only 27 000 K on it. It has lots of room for the baby car seat and some cargo area for J to transport all the materials and tools he needs for his aquarium business. M was so excited and she drove by yesterday and took me and my sister for a spin around the block. It's a great little car.

Last Friday I took in a play with sister D and hubby S. It was a sort of murder mystery set in the 1950s called Evelyn Strange. I so enjoy live theatre.

Speaking of strange, we had a thunderstorm here yesterday and hail, would you believe. That sort of weather is fairly common on the Prairies, where I used to live, but it is rare here. The "hail" was more like sleet, really. No damage was done to buildings or cars. The Prairie hail is often big enough to damage cars and roofs and sometimes is even accompanied by tornadoes!!! And the strangest of all - it only lasted about half an hour. Then it was gone and the sun came out after! It has been mostly sunny here today, but as I write I can hear some sleet tinkling on the windows. Woops, it's gone now. Strange weather.

Well, gotta go. The shopping mall is calling me to come and spend some money. Time for somebody else besides me and Gary to do some blogging.

Ever consider what pets must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul - chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth! ~Anne Tyler, The Accidental Tourist

Sunday, March 16, 2008

All About Courtesy, Eve, and Living On

I see by G's blog he and C are back in Victoria, city of the newlywed and nearly dead, or so it is laughingly called. I quite like Victoria but it is a quiet city. At least it seems that way to one who nightly tries to sleep through crowds of roisterous drunks as they leave the bars in the wee small hours. I can hear one cackling and shouting as I write. Anyway welcome back G and C to the fairest province in the fairest country!!

On the sky train the other day I sat right beside a young woman with an ipod earpiece in one ear blasting so loudly I could make out the lyrics of the song. Up to her other ear she held a cellphone into which she announced to the entire car passengers that, "...she's such a whore. Even Sam said she was a slut...." The other passengers tried valiantly to ignore her diatribe.

That little incident has to count as the most discourteous event I have witnessed since I arrived in this fair city. I'm pretty sure if I had commented on it, she would have looked at me as if I were an alien. What is it that makes people think they have the right to subject everyone else to their music, their cellphone conversations, their specious and unwelcome opinions??!!

After finishing a shift at LD today, I crafted two new necklaces and three pairs of earrings while I "watched" the movie, "All About Eve," on TCM. (see picture above) I don't work at LD again until Thursday evening. Of course, I may be called in to substitute. I hope not tomorrow morning. I haven't been for a workout in a few days and I feel the need to "get physical." Murphy's Law being what it is, I may very well get called to sub.

Then I spent a little time remembering and rereading the Prairie Dog blog. It is 27 months today that he's been gone. The PD blog is still getting hits. It has had almost 2000 since I stopped posting to it. He lives on.

Looking in the other direction, it is now 147 days to G-day. He lives on there, too. Darling Daughter was not feeling too well for a couple of days, but seems to be better now.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all those of the Irish persuasion and those, like myself, with Irish ancestors.

Take care...and tata...and Peace.

Jewelry takes people's minds off your wrinkles. ~Sonja Henie

Friday, March 14, 2008

Crafting, Lucking Out, Selling, Taking Care of Business

The Prairie Crocus has been taking care of business. (That sounds familiar...make a good lyric.) I quite like the way this necklace turned out. It can be worn with the clasp either at the front or the back.

Yesterday I stopped in at an optometrist to get some new nose pads for my glasses. Little did I know how momentous that decision would be.

The receptionist noticed the necklace I was wearing (the one in the photo). Well, I just had to brag that I made it myself. She was quite interested and asked if I could bring some pieces for her to look at. She didn't have to ask me twice. I high-tailed it home to my apartment a block away and gathered up a selection. She bought a necklace and matching bracelet as a gift for her mother. And the optometrist bought a necklace for his wife! My lucky day. Had I known how easy it is to sell jewellery here in the trendy West End I would have done it sooner.

Cashing in on my good luck, I stopped in to show some pieces to the owner of a flower shop on my way home. He agreed to allow me to put in a display case and sell on consignment. So my jewellery will be selling at a flower shop down Davie St. called "The Calla Lily." Today I went and bought some display supplies and a display case at a neat little store called "Eddie's Hang Ups." They carry all sorts of display things for retail stores.

Now that I have a business licence and am registered with Business BC, I can buy my supplies wholesale. The Crocus is quite the businesswoman. Bet you can't guess what I named my business? Surprise, surprise, Prairie Crocus Jewellery! I have even made myself some business cards. The Prairie Dog would have been proud.

Apparently working at London Drugs and crafting jewellery isn't taking up enough of my time. I don't have enough to do. I am also on the substitute list for the ESL school at the Immigrant Social Services. They called me and begged me to come in for an interview. It was pretty much a formality. They wanted to take a photocopy of my certificate from the Teaching ESL course I took and my Bachelor's Degree from the U of M. They have asked me to be available mornings Monday to Thursday. So I complicated my cosmetic department manager's life. I told her I would not be available to work at LD Mon. to Thur. mornings. Although she didn't usually give me morning shift weekdays anyway.

Do you think I have enough to do now? I may be able to get in a couple of hours of sleep each night. Eating is optional. I may get the odd day off here and there. Things may have to change when my grandchild arrives. That happy event is only 149 days away!!!

Keep well. See you in the funny papers.

It doesn't matter how many times you fail. It doesn't matter how many times you almost get it right. No one is going to know or care about your failures, and neither should you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around you because... All that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are. ~Mark Cuban

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Cure for Cancer, Fox Boa, Some Lovely Photos

Last night I went with friends L and B to see stand-up comic Ron James. Without a doubt he is one of the funniest men in the country. His imitation of Rob Deniro is peerless.

He also does a good sendup of a cigarette-smoking Quebecois doing improv. He claims the Quebecois smoke as if cigarettes were a cure for cancer. Another funny piece was a car trip to Quebec where his Dad tries to use "his best NHL French" at a gas station and the attendant (with a cigarette in one hand and the gas pump hose in the other) looks as if he'd like to spray the car with gas and toss in his cigarette. As he says they don't ask him to tour in Quebec.

One of the best pieces was a description of how he was watched in church by his granny's fox-head hat. I had aunties who wore the fox boa with the head still attached. Those beady dead eyes were the spookiest thing I've ever seen. The boa was held on by a clip that was formed by the fox's mouth. EEEW. Gives me the willies just thinking about it.

Anyhoo, a good time was had by all. Ron James was one of his favourites. I know he would have enjoyed it tremendously.

Also went to the art gallery with friend S from Victoria. We saw a very interesting photographic show called Truth, Beauty. Darling daughter, who is a photog, would enjoy it.

I've been making lots of jewellery and have signed up for a six-Saturday course in different techniques in jewellery making. It starts on March 22 and I can hardly wait. Yesterday I made another necklace and took some pics of some pieces. I also spent time pricing them for sale.

154 days until G-day. I have some lovely photos of the grandchild. Ultra-sound, of course. I can see the arm bones forming in the little beauty and the child's spine is clearly visible in the other. I will ask my grandchild's parents if it is all right to publish the picture in my blog.

I took a printed copy of the picture to Mother in Victoria last Wed. She had a great time listening to me brag to all her friends and the staff at the Cridge Centre about her 10th great-grandchild. It was a good trip. I enjoyed my time there and gave Mother a necklace and pair of earrings that I had made. Niece L joined us for a tasty dinner at the Centre.

I see by G's blog they are heading back to Canada and will probably arrive in Victoria by next weekend. Happy travels, G and C! Be seeing you soon.

Got plans to get some groceries and get ready for work. I work today from 6-10. Evenings are so slow at LD. But there's always some cleaning to do. It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it.

Tata...and take care...and PEACE.

Life literally abounds in comedy if you just look around you. Mel Brooks

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Rex Redux, The Only Thing Constant Is Change

I worked at LD from 10:00 till 6:30 today. Not a good shift. Irate customer. But after work I finished the NYT Sunday crossword. I've never timed myself, but I'm sure I'm not very fast. I don't care about speed - I just enjoy it so much. Checking it out on Rex's blog, I noticed there is a reciprocal link there to the Prairie Crocus. Maybe that will mean more traffic on my blog.

I have big plans for this week. I will go to the chamber of commerce to get a business number so I can get my beads for jewellery-making at wholesale prices. I'm going to start the next tap dance session. My sister will be there with her new tap shoes on. Fun, fun, fun.

I have updated my resume and will make appointments for interviews. I hope to do a bit of substituting in ESL classes.

And on Wednesday, I'm going over to the Island to visit my mother-in-law in Victoria. I'll just be there overnight and then I have to return to work at LD Thursday evening.

The mother of my incipient grandchild reports that according to tests conducted recently, it appears that she may actually be a little ahead of schedule in producing said grandchild. That would be nice. I sit in my living room and look at the cutest little frilly, white bassinet and stroller. I'm storing them for the parents until they get a bigger place. Today it is 161 days until G-day, according to the original due date. I may have to change my calendar. I have all the days marked off on this one in big black letters until August 10. Jimminy Cricket, I may have to get a new calendar!

I read in WE, Vancouver's Urban Weekly, that readers voted the Raincity Grill the number one restaurant in the city in the category of West Coast Cuisine. Congrats to darling daughter(service manager) and all her co-workers. Those awards and accolades just keep rolling in. Take it from me, the food there is superb. And I'm not just saying that because she works there.

Went shopping and had lunch with my sister yesterday. It is so nice to be able to renew and strengthen our relationship. We lived geographically separated for so many years.

Bro-in-law in Oklahoma is making good changes in his life. Losing weight and getting more exercise. It's bound to be good for his heart and everything else. Yay, Jack.

Bye all. Must go veg out in front of the TV for a while. Snore...snore...

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. ~Annie Dillard