Sunday, March 9, 2008

Cure for Cancer, Fox Boa, Some Lovely Photos

Last night I went with friends L and B to see stand-up comic Ron James. Without a doubt he is one of the funniest men in the country. His imitation of Rob Deniro is peerless.

He also does a good sendup of a cigarette-smoking Quebecois doing improv. He claims the Quebecois smoke as if cigarettes were a cure for cancer. Another funny piece was a car trip to Quebec where his Dad tries to use "his best NHL French" at a gas station and the attendant (with a cigarette in one hand and the gas pump hose in the other) looks as if he'd like to spray the car with gas and toss in his cigarette. As he says they don't ask him to tour in Quebec.

One of the best pieces was a description of how he was watched in church by his granny's fox-head hat. I had aunties who wore the fox boa with the head still attached. Those beady dead eyes were the spookiest thing I've ever seen. The boa was held on by a clip that was formed by the fox's mouth. EEEW. Gives me the willies just thinking about it.

Anyhoo, a good time was had by all. Ron James was one of his favourites. I know he would have enjoyed it tremendously.

Also went to the art gallery with friend S from Victoria. We saw a very interesting photographic show called Truth, Beauty. Darling daughter, who is a photog, would enjoy it.

I've been making lots of jewellery and have signed up for a six-Saturday course in different techniques in jewellery making. It starts on March 22 and I can hardly wait. Yesterday I made another necklace and took some pics of some pieces. I also spent time pricing them for sale.

154 days until G-day. I have some lovely photos of the grandchild. Ultra-sound, of course. I can see the arm bones forming in the little beauty and the child's spine is clearly visible in the other. I will ask my grandchild's parents if it is all right to publish the picture in my blog.

I took a printed copy of the picture to Mother in Victoria last Wed. She had a great time listening to me brag to all her friends and the staff at the Cridge Centre about her 10th great-grandchild. It was a good trip. I enjoyed my time there and gave Mother a necklace and pair of earrings that I had made. Niece L joined us for a tasty dinner at the Centre.

I see by G's blog they are heading back to Canada and will probably arrive in Victoria by next weekend. Happy travels, G and C! Be seeing you soon.

Got plans to get some groceries and get ready for work. I work today from 6-10. Evenings are so slow at LD. But there's always some cleaning to do. It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it.

Tata...and take care...and PEACE.

Life literally abounds in comedy if you just look around you. Mel Brooks