Sunday, April 13, 2008

Parties, Panties and Paradise

Sorry for the long delay since my last posting. I have been busy. Here is a picture of one of my latest creations. It's a three strand necklace of pearls, rivershell and silverfoil beads. I have also been stringing pearls and made a 12 strand bracelet. I looooove my Saturday jewellery classes. I manage to make about a piece a day on the other days. I now have over 50 pieces.

I plan to have two jewellery parties May 3 and May 31.

The saga of the crazy West coast fashion continues. "She" was walking away from me when spotted. (I use the quotation marks because I could not tell the gender of the person) She had on black tights, little white go-go boots, (only those over the age of 45 will know what these are) a short white jacket and viewed from the back a pair of white underpants over the black tights!!! I have seen these panty-like short shorts in the stores but that was the first time I saw them on a person. It must have been quite a sight from the front... Today walking home from work I saw a mother and adult daughter dressed in identical puffy green vests. And a man and woman were dressed all in orange, head to toe. Who says we have no fashion sense here in Lalaland? Vancouver must be the only city where you can see people wearing shorts and others wearing ski jackets on the street at the same time....

We have been having some spring weather the last two days...15 degrees and sunny. We can take any number of such days after all the rain, thunder, lightning, hail, sleet and snow we've had this winter. It's still paradise compared with other parts of the country.

The mother of my grandchild is doing well. She is looking forward to beginning her time off work which will be in about a couple of weeks. She looks wonderful and is enjoying driving around in their new Jeep Liberty.

Mother has been in the hospital for about a week. She has been having stroke-like symptoms although so far the tests don't show any stroke. We are all sending her good wishes and love.

Bye for now. Take care.

After all, what is your host's purpose in having a party? Surely not for you to enjoy yourself; if that were their sole purpose, they'd have simply sent champagne and women over to your place by taxi. ~P.J. O'Rourke