Here it is November 21 and we are still not in our studio. Sapphire Jewellery Studios are homeless and wandering the streets...well, not really, but we are homeless. The city inspector, the realtor and the architect are still duking it out amongst themselves about whether the work done for us needs to have a city permit and needs to be inspected. A plague on both your houses. Just do what needs to be done and get on with it! I want my occupancy permit and my business licence!
We are frustrated at not being able to get into our space. We have bought a computer and some office furniture. The retailers are keeping it for us until we can get it into the office. I am champing at the bit to get going. But the wheels of bureaucracy turn ever so slowly.
It's so hard to be patient. I'm consolling myself by making more PMC jewellery. It does keep me busy. I got a new tumbler to make the pieces really shine. Next I'm going to try embedding some bone china in a piece of clay before firing it. I love learning and trying new things.
And today I wrote my Christmas cards. That was a good job done. But the down side is: I forgot all about my dental appointment today. I wrote it on my calendar. I thought that was a pretty good strategy for a memory that isn't what it used to be. And then, I forgot to check what appointments I had today!! I just waltzed out the door and hopped on a bus for downtown. And didn't even think about the dentist until about an hour and a half after the appointment was scheduled. What's up with that!!?? Folks I'm here to tell you this aging thing ain't fun. I have some advice for all the youngsters out there. Don't get sucks!!!!!
Now I shall have to get down on my knees and beg my dentist to reschedule. I hope they don't charge me for a missed appointment. I shall have to plead old age or early dementia or something.
My granddaughter continues to amaze and delight. She misses Mommy when Mommy leaves her with Granny. It will take some time for her to develop ease and comfort when Mommy is gone. But I do love spending time with her. She loves the sing-song games like Patty-cake and This Little Piggy. I know she doesn't really understand yet, but I read books to her. She does look at the colourful pictures on the pages. The experts say it's a good idea to start reading books even before they develop language.
May you all experience the joy of a grandchild if you haven't already.
Patience: A minor form of despair disguised as a virtue. ~Ambrose Bierce