Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas at English Bay

Here are a couple of pictures of the Christmas celebration at my darling daughter's. In the top picture it's Remy in her Christmas jammies, her mother and father and two grandmothers. It was so great to spend Christmas with my granddaughter. She knew something was different because she refused to nap all day. While the new toys were interesting she seemed to like the paper and wrappings just as much. Well, she is only four months old. Next year she will be 16 months old, probably walking and talking and better able to appreciate the wonder of Christmas.
Being able to see Christmas through the eyes of a child makes it a much happier time. I love to see the big tree decorated with lights on English Bay near the Inukshuk. On Christmas Day I walked along the sea wall at English Bay and was surprised at how many people were walking there, trudging through the snow and slush. We have had a lot of snow this year, a record amount. The snow has made it quieter, a more peaceful Christmas.
I wish for you all a happy, healthy New Year.
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~Norman Vincent Peale