Saturday, August 25, 2007

Money, Astronomers, Senior Moment, Wedding

Today I'm writing about everybody's favourite topic: money! My mother used to say that money was the root of all evil. She had a million sayings and some of them were even funny. Later in life I found out that the real quotation goes something like this: The love of money is the root of all evil. I suppose the idea is that one should not be greedy. But, seriously, how would we survive without money? I guess we would all have to use the barter system.

What got me started on this topic was that this morning I put my coins into those paper coin holders and found that, omigosh, my coins added up to $20.00! Wow! Well, by this time of the month I need every penny I can scrounge, so off I went to the bank to turn in my coins for a crisp, new 20 dollar bill.

I don't know about you, but no matter how hard I try, my month always lasts longer than my money. I think astronomers ought to train the Hubble telescope on my bank account because I'm sure they would find the black hole of the galaxy for which they've been searching since telescopes were invented.

Oh, Prairie Crocus, you just have to sit yourself down and have a serious talk with yourself. Make a budget! And stick to it! Stop making those impulsive purchases! Like the food you bought yesterday. Did you really need the tomato, the apple, and the 6 eggs you bought at Extra Foods? (When did I start buying single pieces of fruit?)

There. Wasn't that easy. I feel so much better.

Anyhoo, I was at the bank handing over my hoard of pennies. Then I started searching through my wallet, muttering (mild) curses and rubbing my forehead. The very nice young man who was counting my treasure said to me: "Something wrong, ma'am?"

"Yes," I said with a sigh, "I left my bank card at a store I was at yesterday."

"You mean this one?" he inquired, holding up my bank card. We both laughed along with the teller beside him and the customer beside me.

"Just having a senior moment," I said with chagrin.

Smart-alec bank tellers. The thing to do if you are caught out by a younger person when you are having a senior moment is to get very ornery and try to pass the blame on to someone else. Play the curmudgeon. To the hilt. It's what he would have done.

Speaking of greed - tonight's 6/49 lottery is estimated at 15 million! Whoopee. Now, I agree with my brother-in-law who says that the odds of winning is almost the same whether you buy a ticket or not! He is right. Still, I happily plunk down my $3.00 for the privilege of imagining for a few minutes what great things I would do if I had 15 million dollars.

In reality, I watch my little nest egg shrinking with the recent drop in the equity markets. The bankers keep assuring me things will look up. Stay the course, they tell me. Yeah, it's not your life savings. Why is it that whether the economic times are good or bad, the banks still make money?

I have been asked by my niece and her fiance to perform their wedding next summer and I am completely honoured to do it. I am permitted to do it as long as there is a BC Marriage Commissioner at the ceremony. When I lived in Manitoba I was a Marriage Commissioner, but I am not qualified here. I would like to be an MC here, but at the moment there are no openings.

I know everybody is busy with their summer activities, but come on, everyone, do some blogging.

Tata and take care...and PEACE.

Foul cankering rust the hidden treasure frets,
But gold that's put to use more gold begets.
~William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis, 1593
(Somebody forgot to tell RBC about that!)