Monday, September 3, 2007

Chez Ousey, Tim Horton, Substituting Redux, Sixty

Hello Everyone in blogland. I am now in Victoria, chez Gary and Carolyn. Great hotel, but I have to do the cooking. I don't mind, though.

I am here to keep Nana company. She will be moving into a seniors' place by September 15. Everything has been arranged with niece Lyn and some friends. I will just have to help with the packing and unpacking. I am so envious. Nana's apartment is bigger than mine! Mine is 450 sq. feet and hers is 650 sq. feet! Well, who'd a thunkit. I do like my apartment though.

Anyway, I have already been to the grocery store to stock up on some things I like. And this morning I went for a long walk to the nearest Tim Horton's. They have the best coffee. No, I was good this time - didn't have a donut or a muffin. I wish there was a T. H. closer to my place in Vancouver. Oh well, can't have everything, I guess.

I am looking forward to seeing all the nieces and nephews and their children. Although, so many of the children are moving out, going to school, etc. I plan to spend as much time as possible visiting with them.

My wonderful daughter will be coming here for a couple of days. Looking forward to that. Anyone know any good restaurants in Victoria? We will probably go out for dinner. Someone's birthday coming up. Sixty! Hard to believe. I have applied for and will be receiving Canada Pension. Whoopie! That'll just barely keep me out of the poorhouse.

I have started the process of applying for my BC teaching credential. I think I will have to do some substituting. Otherwise I will have to give up all luxuries. Can't have that!

Bye for now. Bon voyage to Gary and Carolyn on their Meditteranean cruise.

A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart. ~Author Unknown