Monday, September 10, 2007

Moving, Moving, Moving, Camping and Cruising

I have been busy in Victoria. Mother is moving into her new suite on Saturday. Niece Lyn and nephew David will be helping with that. A friend has lent his truck and trailer. I anticipate that it will go smoothly.

I went to visit niece Noni on Saturday. She and John and Jacob were cleaning and packing stuff to take to storage. They are decluttering in preparation for marketing their house. Been there, done that last spring. Isn't it amazing how much stuff one accumulates over the years!

They have bought a house in the Courtney/Comox area. I've seen pictures and it looks great. Lots of yard, enough bathrooms so that they each get their own (Noni is ecstatic about that). There is even a little shed which they plan to convert to a clubhouse for Jacob. They are moving up there the beginning of November.

I have been going for workouts every other day. I am so lucky to have found a gym that belongs to the same organization as my gym in Vancouver and they are letting me use this gym for ....nothing! It's great. I can go there as often as I like and not have to spend money on it. One of the members said that when he goes to Vancouver, my gym makes visitors pay ten dollars a visit. Not really fair, is it? I would speak to them, but I doubt it would do any good.

I went to see the movie, "Stardust." It is a fantasy about a boy who sets off on a quest to find a fallen star. Very enjoyable - just the kind of movie I love, good escapist fare.

I am also taking long walks. I went along one side of the gorge and up the other side. I was only accosted once by a street person asking for a handout. The weather has been gorgeous here. Sun, sun and more sun. But I'm not complaining. I'm loving it.

There is a street person here in Victoria who is suing the city for not allowing him to sleep in parks. He claims the law banning people from camping in city parks is unconstitutional! Against his human rights! He should be allowed to sleep anywhere he wants, including private property!!!!! What next. Will they be demanding that restaurants feed them? That retail stores must give them clothes? That citizens should be forced to let them take a shower if they come knocking on the door?

I'm reading Gary's blog and they are enjoying Italy. I am mighty envious. Take lots of pictures, Gary. Then I can live the cruise too.

A shout hello to niece Charlene. I watched Big Brother last night. It's down to the final four. Dick and Danielle, a father and daughter, Zach and Jameka. Who do you think will win?

My darling daughter and her husband are en route from Vancouver as I write. Better get back to my laundry.

Tata....and take care...and PEACE.

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt