Sunday, December 9, 2007

LD Party, Moving, Timmy's Is Comin' To Town

Here is a picture of me and two work friends at the London Drugs Christmas party. We had a lovely roast beef dinner and the view from the 31st floor of the hotel was fabulous.
I have a couple of pieces of good news. Well, they are good news to me. And I need good news right about now.

The first is: I am moving into a larger apartment in my block. It's just down the hall and so the transfer will be relatively easy since we won't even need the elevator. It will happen over the next week and by Christmas I should be settled into my new place. Details on the address will be in email to all my friends and family soon.

The new apartment has 600 square feet! Every room is bigger. More cupboard space in the kitchen. Bigger living room. Bigger bedroom. I will have room for a dining room suite. Wow! And I have a view of English Bay. I can have a "Fireworks Party" next summer. For those who have never witnessed it, there are fireworks displays four evenings in the summer and thousands of people descend on the West End to view them. They are spectacular.

The other good news is: there will be a Tim Horton's in the store front of my block! I emailed the company and told them there were store fronts for lease here and told them they should get a Timmy's at this end of Davie Street. The building managers told me a few days ago that T. H. signed a lease. Unbelieveable! I looooooove my Timmy's coffee! And muffins, and donuts and soup and sandwiches.... Yahoo. Heaven on earth! I may never cook again.
Now, if I can just get some storage space in the block so I don't have to store 20 boxes in a storage locker...well, we can't have everything. We need something to work towards.
Tata...and take care...and PEACE.
Peace is not something you wish for; it's something you make, something you do, something you are, something you give away. Robert Fulgham