Thursday, December 27, 2007

Turkey Day, Cherry Winks, Reeking Lum, Honour Wall

Hello all in blogland. It's been sixteen days since my last post. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I have been busy. I moved into a larger apartment in the same block. I worked many of those days and I prepared for Christmas. Yes, I do celebrate a secular Christmas. For me the best part has always been the family get-togethers.

I had 6 for turkey dinner on Dec. 25. It was a lot of work, but worth every minute. Here for the festivities were darling daughter and her splendid spouse, sister and spouse, son-in-laws parents. We had a wonderful traditional turkey dinner and a lovely bottle of pinot noir. I lit a candle for those whom we were missing and put his stained glass creation in the window. It was wonderful to be in a bigger suite, where I could accomodate seven people for dinner. I made a toast such as he would have made: Here's to good food, good wine, and family.

One surprise package sent from Winnipeg was a gift of home-made cherry winks and Swedish Christmas cookies. Thanks a huge bunch to great friend Pat. I received many terrific gifts, too numerous to mention, but I love all of them. Many, many thanks to all the friends who sent cards and emails. Lang may your lum reek. (Old Scottish saying: Long may your chimney smoke.)

My new suite has 650 square feet and a great view of English Bay and the mountains. I am looking forward to many more opportunities to host social events. Little hint to any friends from afar that are thinking of visiting me - there is to be a new guest suite here at the block available to family and friends of residents for a mere pittance compared to hotel prices. I don't know when it will be finished, but I will keep you posted. So start planning your Vancouver getaways.

I spent a few minutes rereading the Prairie Dog Blog from December 2004. Had a little cry. I can still hear his voice when I read his blog. His Christmas remembrances are there and the cutest little touching story about a group of little ones he took on a tour through the Western Canada Aviation Museum in December 2004. How he loved life. How I miss him.

I got an email from the Reh-fit Centre. They have finally put up the memorial plaque I requested on the Honour Wall. See picture at the top of the post.
Take care...and TATA...and PEACE.